Protecting the future of the planet,
the future of sport
Like so many Australians, we’ve experienced the impacts of climate change first hand.
But at the moment, if climate action was the Olympics, Australia isn’t winning gold, we're not making the finals, in fact, we don't even qualify.
It’s time to change all that. The Cool Down is working to stop climate change in its tracks.
Scientists are clear we need to at least halve our emissions by 2030 and get to net-zero before 2050. Together we can put Australia on the climate action podium and safeguard the country we love.

Dear Australia,
We are a sporting nation. We play sport, we watch sport, we love sport.
From the Boxing Day Test to footy finals fever. From early mornings paddling out at breaks around the country to park runs in hundreds of cities and towns.
But the climate crisis and Australia’s intensifying extreme weather is threatening the sports and country we love.
We’ve seen Australia’s extreme weather become even more extreme. Outrageous temperatures at the Australian Open have forced early retirements and bushfire smoke has seen training and matches cancelled for safety. But it’s our local clubs that are most feeling the heat.
Dramatically rising insurance premiums to protect against expanding fire and flood risk are eating into budgets and prolonged droughts are seeing grounds become unusable and, in some cases, entire seasons being cancelled.
Sport’s future is more uncertain than ever, but its power has never been more important.
Australians have always punched above our weight on the world stage and it’s time to do it on climate. To safeguard the games we love for generations to come we must cut our emissions by at least half by 2030 and reach net-zero before 2050.
Together, we can do this Australia - for the future of sport.
For the future of our great country.
We've joined The Cool Down
Abbey Willcox, Aerial Skiing
Gabi Ash, Aerial Skiing
Laura Peel, Aerial Skiing
Lydia Lassila, Aerial Skiing
Abbey Green, AFL
Adam Cerra, AFL
Adam Treloar, AFL
Aidan Corr, AFL
Alana Porter, AFL
Alex Pearce, AFL
Alison Drennan, AFL
Amanda Ling, AFL
Ange Stannett, AFL
Annabel Strahan, AFL
Annalyse Lister, AFL
Anton Tohill, AFL
Ashleigh Guest, AFL
Bailey Banfield, AFL
Bailey Scott, AFL
Bec Neaves, AFL
Ben Ainsworth, AFL
Ben Brown, AFL
Bess Keaney, AFL
Blake Acres, AFL
Bonnie Toogood, AFL
Boyd Woodcock, AFL
Brandon Jack, AFL
Brandon Starcevich, AFL
Brendon Gale, AFL
Brent Harvey, AFL
Brock McLean, AFL
Brody Mihocek, AFL
Brooke Walker, AFL
Caitlin Greiser, AFL
Caleb Graham, AFL
Cat Phillips, AFL
Charlie Comben, AFL
Charlie Ballard, AFL
Charlie Lazzaro, AFL
Chloe Molloy, AFL
Connor Blakely, AFL
Connor Budarick, AFL
Conor Nash, AFL
Daisy Pearce, AFL
Dan Howe, AFL
Daniel McKenzie, AFL
Darcy Fort, AFL
Darcy Macpherson, AFL
Darcy Vescio, AFL
David Mundy, AFL
David Swallow, AFL
Drew Petrie, AFL
Eleanor Brown, AFL
Ellie McKenzie, AFL
Elle Bennetts, AFL
Ellie Blackburn, AFL
Ellyse Gamble, AFL
Eric Mackenzie, AFL
Erin McKinnon, AFL
Flynn Perez, AFL
Gab Pound, AFL
Gabby Newton, AFL
Gemma Lagioia, AFL
Georgia Garnett, AFL
Georgia Gee, AFL
Grace Egan, AFL
Greta Bodey, AFL
Hamish Hartlett, AFL
Hannah Scott, AFL
Hayden Young, AFL
Hannah Scott, AFL
Heath Chapman, AFL
Hugh Greenwood, AFL
Imogen Milford, AFL
Isabel Huntington, AFL
Isabella Grant, AFL
Isabella Shannon, AFL
Isabelle Pritchard, AFL
Jack Bowes, AFL
Jack Hombsch, AFL
Jack Lukosius, AFL
Jack Scrimshaw, AFL
Jack Watkins, AFL
Jacob Townsend, AFL
James Madden, AFL
James Stewart, AFL
James Worpel, AFL
Jarrod Harbrow, AFL
Jasper Pittard, AFL
Jayde Van Dyke, AFL
Jess Fitzgerald, AFL
Joanna Lin, AFL
Jordan Murdoch, AFL
Jordan Roughead, AFL
Jordyn Allen, AFL
Jude Bolton, AFL
Kaine Baldwin, AFL
Kate Orme, AFL
Kate Shierlaw, AFL
Katie Brennan, AFL
Katie Lynch, AFL
Keegan Brooksby, AFL
Kieren Jack, AFL
Kirsty Lamb, AFL
Lachie Henderson, AFL
Lachie Weller, AFL
Lachlan Young, AFL
Lance Franklin, AFL
Laura McClelland, AFL
Lisa Steane, AFL
Lochie O’Brien, AFL
Louise Stephenson, AFL
Luke Dahlhaus, AFL
Luke McDonald, AFL
Maddie Shevlin, AFL
Maddy Guerin, AFL
Marcus Bontempelli, AFL
Marc Pittonet, AFL
Mark Blicavs, AFL
Mark Hutchings, AFL
Mark O’Connor, AFL
Mason Cox, AFL
Matt de Boer, AFL
Matt McGuinness, AFL
Matthew Conroy, AFL
Matthew Taberner, AFL
Millie Brown, AFL
Mimi Hill, AFL
Mitchell Lewis, AFL
Molly Ritson, AFL
Najwa Allen, AFL
Nat Exon, AFL
Nat Fyfe, AFL
Natalie Plane, AFL
Nathan Murphy, AFL
Ned Moyle, AFL
Ned Reeves, AFL
Nell Morris-Dalton, AFL
Nick Larkey, AFL
Nick Stevens, AFL
Nicola Barr, AFL
Oleg Markov, AFL
Oliver Henry, AFL
Olivia Vesely, AFL
Oscar Brownless, AFL
Paige Trudgeon, AFL
Patrick Lipinski, AFL
Patrick Walker, AFL
Peter Wright, AFL
Poppy Kelly, AFL
Rebecca Miller, AFL
Renee Garing, AFL
Renee Saulitis, AFL
Rhys Stanley, AFL
Richelle Cranston, AFL
Riley Thilthorpe, AFL
Robbie Tarrant, AFL
Rory Atkins, AFL
Rory Thompson, AFL
Ruby Schleicher, AFL
Ryan Lester, AFL
Sam Collins, AFL
Sam Philp, AFL
Samuel Flanders, AFL
Sarah Sansonetti, AFL
Sean Lemmens, AFL
Serena Gibbs, AFL
Sharni Norder, AFL
Sophie Casey, AFL
Stefan Okunbor, AFL
Tahlia Meyer, AFL
Tarni Evans, AFL
Taylor Smith, AFL
Tiah Toth, AFL
Tilly Lucas-Rodd, AFL
Todd Goldstein, AFL
Tom Campbell, AFL
Tom De Koning, AFL
Tom Hickey, AFL
Tom Jonas, AFL
Tom Stewart, AFL
Tommy Cole, AFL
Tony Armstrong, AFL
Touk Miller, AFL
Trent Dumont, AFL
Will Phillips, AFL
William Walker, AFL
Xavier Duursma, AFL
Zachary Tuohy, AFL
Astin Darcy, Archery
Elana Withnall, Athletics
Bec Henderson, Athletics & Triathlon
Ben St Lawrence, Athletics
Carly Salmon, Athletics
Jane Saville, Athletics
Kurtis Marschall, Athletics
Lara Hamilton, Athletics & Skiing
Lizzie Hedding, Athletics
Mackenzie Little, Athletics
Mitchell Watt, Athletics
Nina Kennedy, Athletics
Rhydian Cowley, Athletics
Rohan Browning, Athletics
Simon Baker, Athletics
Steve Hooker, Athletics
Jarred Bairstow, Basketball
Leilani Mitchell, Basketball
Marianna Tolo, Basketball
Rebecca Cole, Basketball
Suzy Batkovic, Basketball
Christie Jenkins, Beach Volleyball
Liane Fenwick, Beach Volleyball
Caroline Buchanan, BMX & Mountain Biking
Jessica Fox, Canoe Slalom
Kynan Maley, Canoe Slalom
Robert Janiszewski, Canoe Slalom
Alex Blackwell, Cricket
Ange Reakes, Cricket
Ashton Turner, Cricket
Emma Sampson, Cricket
Erin Burns, Cricket
Harry Conway, Cricket
Ian Chappell, Cricket
Moises Henriques, Cricket
Naomi Stalenberg, Cricket
Pat Cummins, Cricket
Rachael Haynes, Cricket
Rachel Trenaman, Cricket
Sean Abbott, Cricket
Shane Watson, Cricket
Cyrus Monk, Cycling
Grace Brown, Cycling
Brittany O'Brien, Diving
Matthew Mitcham, Diving
Mckeira Cumming, Equestrian Vaulting
Agim Sherifovski, Football
Aideen Keane, Football
Aivi Luik, Football
Alanna Kennedy, Football
Alex Chidiac, Football
Alexandra Huynh, Football
Alisha Bass, Football
Alistair Edwards, Football
Ally Green, Football
Annie Grove, Football
Beattie Goad, Football
Beau Busch, Football
Ben Halloran, Football
Benny Roche, Football
Catherine Zimmerman, Football
Charlotte Grant, Football
Chris Harold, Football
Clare Hunt, Football
Clare Polkinghorne, Football
Clint Bolton, Football
Courtney Newbon, Football
Craig Foster, Football
Danny Kim, Football
David Clarkson, Football
Demi Koulizakis, Football
Elise Kellond-Knight, Football
Ellie Brush, Football
Emily Gielnik, Football
Emma Checker, Football
Emma Robers, Football
Emma Ilijoski, Football
Gary Cole, Football
Grace Maher, Football
Grace Taranto, Football
Georgina Worth, Football
Goki Saito, Football
Hayley Taylor-Young, Football
Heliana Tavares, Football
Isabella Foletta, Football
John Didulica, Football
John Kosmina, Football
Joseph Marco Angele, Football
Juan De Dios Prados Lopez, Football
Julie Dolan, Football
Julie Murray, Football
Karly Roestbakken, Football
Kathryn Gill, Football
Keeley Richards, Football
Laura Brock, Football
Laura Hughes, Football
Leigh Broxham, Football
Libby Copus-Brown, Football
Matthew Hearne, Football
Melina Ayres, Football
Melissa Barbieri, Football
Melissa Maizels, Football
Michelle Heyman, Football
Moya Dodd, Football
Nickoletta Flannery, Football
Nikola Orgill, Football
Oliver Zafiridis, Football
Racheal Quigley, Football
Rasamee Phonsongkham, Football
Sally Shipard, Football
Sarah Cain, Football
Sarah Morgan, Football
Sian McLaren, Football
Tameka Yallop, Football
Tegan Collister, Football
Teagan Micah, Football
Will Hastie, Football
Wini Heatey, Football
Mark Webber, Formula One
Daniel Whyley, Golf
James Grierson, Golf
Karrie Webb, Golf
Matthew Griffin, Golf
Sarah Wilson, Golf
Hannah Mouncey, Handball
Andrew Charter, Hockey
Dion Gosling, Hockey
Grace Baxter, Hockey
Greta Hayes, Hockey
Jacob Whetton, Hockey
Jocelyn Bartram, Hockey
Rachael Lynch, Hockey
Rebecca Greiner, Hockey
Lizzie Welborn, Ironwoman
Natalie Galea, Judo
Ethan Neville, Kayaking
Hannah Campbell-Pegg, Luge
Milly Young, Mountain Climbing
Alice Teague-Neeld, Netball
Amy Steel, Netball
Bianca Giteau, Netball
Kathryn Harby-Williams, Netball
Liz Ellis, Netball
Sophie Gerber, Rowing
Angus Crichton, Rugby League
Ben Creagh, Rugby League
Cameron Murray, Rugby League
Chris Heighington, Rugby League
Clint Newton, Rugby League
Ian Roberts, Rugby League
Luke Garner, Rugby League
Mitchell Rein, Rugby League
Morgan Smith, Rugby League
Nathan Cleary, Rugby League
Reece Walsh, Rugby League
Paul Dunn, Rugby League
Ronaldo Mulitalo, Rugby League
Samuel McIntyre, Rugby League
Scott Prince, Rugby League
Alicia Lucas, Rugby Sevens
Dominique Du Toit, Rugby Sevens
Emma Tonegato, Rugby Sevens & Rugby League
Lily Dick, Rugby Sevens
Adiana Talakai, Rugby Union
Alex Kanaar, Rugby Union
Alex Newsome, Rugby Union
Andrew Muirhead, Rugby Union
Ben Alexander, Rugby Union
Bernard Foley, Rugby Union
Blake Enever, Rugby Union
Bo Abra, Rugby Union
Cameron Treloar, Rugby Union
Christian Leali’ifano, Rugby Union
Clyde Rathbone, Rugby Union
Dan Palmer, Rugby Union
Dane Haylett-Petty, Rugby Union
Darcy Swain, Rugby Union
David Pocock, Rugby Union
Dean Mumm, Rugby Union
Drew Mitchell, Rugby Union
Fi Jones, Rugby Union
Gareth Hardy, Rugby Union
Grace Hamilton, Rugby Union
Heath Tessmann, Rugby Union
Ian Prior, Rugby Union
Jack Winchester, Rugby Union
James Dargaville, Rugby Union
James Hanson, Rugby Union
James Horwill, Rugby Union
James O’Connor, Rugby Union
Jesse Mogg, Rugby Union
Joe Pincus, Rugby Union
Jordan Jackson-Hope, Rugby Union
Karmichael Hunt, Rugby Union, Rugby League & AFL
Kieran Longbottom, Rugby Union
Kyle Godwin, Rugby Union
Luke Burgess, Rugby Union
Mark Chisholm, Rugby Union
Matt Giteau, Rugby Union
Maya Stewart, Rugby Union
Michael McDonald, Rugby Union
Michael Hooper, Rugby Union
Mitchell Inman, Rugby Union
Ned Hanigan, Rugby Union
Nic White, Rugby Union
Nick ‘Honey Badger’ Cummins, Rugby Union
Nick Phipps, Rugby Union
Peter FitzSimons, Rugby Union
Peter Kimlin, Rugby Union
Piper Duck, Rugby Union
Sam Wykes, Rugby Union
Samu Kerevi, Rugby Union
Sera Naiqama, Rugby Union
Shannon Parry, Rugby Union & Rugby Sevens
Sharni Williams, Rugby Union & Rugby Sevens
Thomas Pincus, Rugby Union
Tom Hockings, Rugby Union
Will Genia, Rugby Union
Lisa Darmanin, Sailing
Jackie Narracot, Skeleton
Britt Cox, Skiing
Brodie Summers, Skiing
Emily Bamford, Skiing
Jakara Anthony, Skiing
Sami Kennedy-Sim, Skiing
Scott Kneller, Skiing
Sophie Ash, Skiing
Belle Brockoff, Snowboarding
Cameron Bolton, Snowboarding
Jarryd Hughes, Snowboarding
Josie Baff, Snowboardinging
Matthew Cox, Snowboarding
Rachel Lack, Softball
Kenny Wallace, Sprint Kayak
Ace Buchan, Surfing
Belinda Baggs, Surfing
Heath Joske, Surfing
Laura Enever, Surfing
Linley Hurrell, Surfing
Mick Fanning, Surfing
Tully White, Surfing
Bronte Campbell, Swimming
Cate Campbell, Swimming
Cody Simpson, Swimming
Edward Speller, Swimming
Emilee Salecich, Swimming
Giaan Rooney, Swimming
Lani Pallister, Swimming
Leah Neale, Swimming
Libby Trickett, Swimming
Maddi Delaney, Swimming
Madeline Groves, Swimming
Matthew Haanappel, Swimming
Nikki Dryden, Swimming
Tamsin Cook, Swimming
Taylor McKeown, Swimming
Lauren Burns, Taekwondo
Casey Dellacqua, Tennis
Joan Henderson, Tennis
Mark Philippoussis, Tennis
Majell Backhausen, Trail Running
Paige Penrose, Trail Running
Ryan Hatfield, Trampolining
Jess Ewart-McTigue, Triathlon
Mitchell Westhuizen, Triathlon
Ethan Garrett, Volleyball
Giorgia Todesco, Volleyball
Ash Southern, Water Polo
Elle Armit, Water Polo
Gabi Palm, Water Polo
Genevieve Longman, Water Polo
Keesja Gofers, Water Polo
Rowie Webster, Water Polo
Tilly Kearns, Water Polo
Sarah Stewart, Wheelchair Basketball
Teams, Clubs, Organisations
AFL Players Association
AFL Players For Climate Action
Anglesea Lightning, Surf Boat Rowing
Les Gars Cycling Club, Cycling
Natural Grass at Bob Campbell Oval, Community sports
Ocean Performance Centre, Water sport and craft
Professional Footballers Association
R.Sport FC, Futsal
Racetank, Walking swim, trek, run
Ruby's Reds, Basketball
The Ordinary Trousers, Futsal
Over 450 athletes
from 40+ sports.
Now it’s your turn.

Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does... Sport can create hope where once there was only despair.”
– Nelson Mandela